Frank & Mary

New York, NY

Frank & Mary is a short film focused on sharing a beautiful and complex immigration story from New York City’s past.

The story of Frank (Woodhull) begins with Mary (Johnson).  Born in 1858, she entered the doors of Ellis in 1908 — and after being suspected of  having tuberculosis, was forced to admit she was a woman travelling in mens clothing for decades.

“The story of Frank & Mary is a truly American story focused on immigration politics, gender fluidity, and social tolerance — and demonstrating that history has the unique ability to help us navigate present day issues, with examples from the past.” (Aaron Asis)

Frank & Mary is produced by Unforgotten Films a collaborative video project focused on documenting the relationship between public interests, creative efforts and governmental actions to highlight multi-faceted narratives throughout our cities.

Frank & Mary is a is being developed as the cornerstone of the Voices of Ellis campaign — with a tentative completion date in Fall 2023.