Ulmer Conveyance

Brooklyn, NY

Ulmer Conveyance was an immersive artist takeover created to invite the public into the abandoned William Ulmer Brewery, in Brooklyn, NY.

The installation itself was designed as a multi-level installation with a series of focal points for personal contemplation throughout the main operating areas of the landmarked complex. The upper floors host a multi-room immersive installation, designed as a self-guided procession through the main operating areas of the complex. A series of site-specific gestures, sculptures, stencils, and musical interventions accentuate the existing architectural character — and a participatory installation wall invites visitors to share “Letters to Ulmer” — to inspire a sense of connection to the past and the future

“History is everywhere, and art can inspire new appreciations…when we put history and art together we create new ways to connect with each other and our city…” 

Deep in the building’s sub-basements, a dramatic sound and light installation allowed visitors to descend 40 feet below the abandoned brewery.  This theatrical experience entitled Ulmer: Below was created by Justin Rivers and guided visitors through an ambient performance focused on the operational origins of the Ulmer Brewery.

“…truly immersive art has a profound ability to change the way we see ourselves in the world — and creating this new work for the public is a wonderful way to share the past, present, and future of a seldom experienced piece of New York City history…”

Ulmer Conveyance was created in collaboration with DXA Studio and Untapped New York and allowed visitors participate in a pivotal moment in the history of this New York City Landmark — where the past, present, and future all converge at once  and the next new chapter of the building’s history is ready to be written — Spring 2023

For more information see Ulmer Conveyance press coverage in Design Boom and Untapped New York.